These flowers are sitting on my kitchen table and I am in the Kansas City airport waiting to get on a plane to Raleigh-Durham, NC. I am going to visit my friend, Brantly and her family.....
This Saturday would've been the 21st birthday of her darling Elena, who was killed in a tragic accident September. I know that there will be many tears, but I also know that there will be laughter and stories. Brantly and I have known one another for many years - shared all kinds of adventures. It is unfortunate that this, too, becomes a journey that we are sharing.

It is a choice, but there is life after the loss of someone you love. The smiles and "pure joy" do disappear for a while, but they also DO come back. I do not believe that our dear ones "leave" us. I think they live in our hearts forever and we can "feel" them when we need to.
There is nothing easy about any of it, but I have seen different choices that have very different outcomes. "One Day at a Time" has become a bit of a cliche, but literally, it is exactly what we must do to walk through the difficult challenges in our lives....oh, and the occasional smile...
I love you, Brantly and am looking forward to being with you for these next few days.