On Sunday morning, we packed up some lunch and the 14' raft and Grayson's kayak, hopped in the truck (and my car, for the shuttle) and drove up to the Chama River.
It was an absolutely beautiful day.
Just past Abiquiu, where she lived in the latter part of her life,
THIS is what it looks like -
wide open spaces, huge skies and red rock layered with yellow and white,

This tree, above and below, was magnificent.
Somehow the branch of one grafted itself to the trunk of the other.
Check out these swallows' nests under the overhangs.
They are made of mud and the birds swoop in and out.
(close-up below)
This stand of cottonwoods is on the road to the "put-in"
Eric and I ran the shuttle to pick up Cullen's truck.
There were cows along the road as we drove trough the river valley.
It was so green.
It was a beautiful day.