What a delightful, inspiring and energetic weekend it was.
International Quilt Market
Houston, Texas 2011

Here it is! My name on the wall and everything.

Charlotte Lyons, Kathy Mack and me
Gosh, I am so darn lucky to call these amazing ladies my friends

The celebration was GREAT!
(pink champagne and all!)

Anna was so generous with her compliments for everyone.
(Anna Griffin herself, that is)
I don't usually share photos of myself, but Kathy took these and I think they are pretty fun. They really capture the celebration in the air at the Friday night preview.
And, then there is Kate, who, with Anna, made the entire collection - ALL of the blend collections - come to life.
It was pretty cool to be a part of this launch
The booth was beautiful and the people were fantastic.
It was the perfect opportunity to meet some incredibly talented designers without the old feelings of insecurity.
Gosh, maybe I am finally growing up?