Once Upon a Time......

Two friends found a wonderful little place in a beautiful location
It seemed just right for a little studio...
...away from home, but sooooo

"Close to Home"
too good to be true?

Inside, two rooms
One with a little fireplace in the corner

My dear friend, Tricia, has agreed to share this place with me.
It is my first time to have a studio outside the home
It is taking a little time to feel "home" here, but...

It has such a wonderful feeling inside.
The light is beautiful and it is peaceful and quiet...
...and right across the street from the Teahouse (!!!!!)
We are hoping to open a little shop out of the studio
once summer comes.
It will have all of our favorite things in it -
those we make and others that we fall in love with.
Hope you will come for a visit sometime.