Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I am thinking that I need to expand my horizons.......sigh.....

I was drawing all day, but the little figures on the "messy" table downstairs were calling me (I'll post that big mess tomorrow..)
This is my second little swinging girl...and I think she is pretty great. You must think she looks a lot like the first one...but she is a little different.

This is almost a silouette ...... maybe she is swinging at dusk..

Just thought I'd show you all the angles, cause it shows sooo much of her personality.


  1. Jone- These "swinging girls" are just fabulous! I think to really appreciate all the detail involved, you must want to pick them up and hold them.....which can be done at Curiosa! I want to put my hand thru the computer and touch all your papier mache artwork!!! Keep creating!
    LOVE- Oolie
