Saturday, May 25, 2013

french knots

Last week, my brother and I drove a BIG truck filled to the brim 
with the contents of the last storage unit of my mom's things from Austin to Santa Fe.
They are in my garage.
Two days later (Friday) our son Grayson hopped in the truck 
to accompany my brother to LA to help empty the rest of the things.

On the first leg, I spent many hours stitching these little french knots:

It is a 12 hour trip in a car (!) but took us closer to 14 hours.
We were happy to get home and John decided to take an extra day
to enjoy a little of Santa Fe while he had the chance....
...and recouperate before getting on the road again.

Grayson flies home on Monday.


  1. Good idea to spend that long drive stitching those lovely "french knots hearts !
    They look like candy, I want to eat them:)
    Hope everything is well, can't wait to see you
    Much love

  2. Pretty knots and a great way to pass the time.

  3. Oh, how typically lovely, Jone. Wish I were going to see you soon like Becky! Thank goodness I can see you online at least!!! Thinking of you and hoping all is wonderfully well.

  4. I love french knots and lots of them.
    My letter arrived today! Why did I panic?
    Now I am getting excited!

  5. Ooooohhhh how I love your French knot hearts! Would love to hear what you used - looks like wool felt? And did you make the knots and then cut out the hearts? Tutorial please:) These are just beautiful and make me happy:)
