Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Here is the latest group of eggs painted up for Doodlet's
I think they turned out nice and bright.
Funny that I cannot repeat a design to save my life (!!!)
LOVE the tops of the eggs
(or the bottoms, depending on your point of view)
Got a favorite?

Just realized that this is my 301st post (!!!)
To celebrate, tell me what you enjoy about Easter
and I'll send you an egg
I'll draw the name on Saturday
March 10th


  1. These are just Lovely! Are they plastic eggs?
    What I love about Easter is the reminder of the PROMISE of a new LIFE with JESUS beacuse HE sacrificed ALL for ME!

  2. So very pretty - they must take ages to paint with all that detail! I especially love the yellow one, middle right in the last picture. I think what I love about Easter is all the signs of new life around, and the promise of longer, sunnier days!

  3. seriously? these are so gorgeous! so so so amazing! tiny works of art and beauty. one of the things I love about Easter is happy art-making. like these!
    if you haven't sold out completely in the shop, please put one aside for me! xoxo

  4. These are stunning! Happy 301st, keep up the good work. The thing I love most about Easter is little girls in Easter dresses with little white cardigans and gloves.

  5. Black licorice jelly beans! When I was a kid, Easter was the only time we ever had jellybeans, and I'd trade all my others for the few black jellybeans my sisters had in their baskets. It didn't take them long to figure out they could up the ante to include chocolate, too! Once I'd nibbled the ears of my chocolate bunny, the rest was offered up for those black jellybeans. Now, I occasionally treat myself to a small bag from the candy store.

  6. I love your work I would love to win one of your amazing eggs, I like most of easter is the change of seasons, the bright light during the longer days, the green grass and new flowers,

    :o) Ale.

  7. Hi! I love your work too! Congratulations! Can I post the images of yours egss on my fcb profile? With your name, of course! I am in Portugal so I can't have a personalized egg :(
    Keep up the good work Jone Hallmark !!

  8. How did you paint these beautiful eggs?

  9. Those eggs are fabulous and the colors, wow!
    My favorite thing about Easter is putting together a basket with little trinkets and pretty candy. And hyacinths

  10. I was so happy to come across your blog via Pinterest! These eggs are just gorgeous! My favorite thing about Easter is spending time with my family.

  11. L o v e these! Beautiful little eggs. You are so creative and have an amazing eye for color combos.

  12. Ohhh! Your eggs are so beautiful! I came across your site through Pinterest this morning. You are sooo talented!

  13. These eggs are STUNNING! If you ever feel like painting some more, I would love to buy some. Send me an email if you do- Sarah-

  14. You did an incredible job! Thinking I should get out my acrylics and give it a whirl.. how fun to really decorate Easter eggs with that kind of detail. Fabulously done!

  15. CONGRATULATIONS ON A BEAUTIFUL BLOG! My favorite part of Easter is -coloring the Eggs-remember as a kid putting pretty white gloves on stained fingers?! Or writing your name with a crayon first? I could never dream to decorate any eggs as glorious as these-Nice work!!

  16. Congrats on making for these eggs! They're beautiful!!

  17. Congratulations, I love eggs hunt, and family reunions, and most, I love the good weather back again!

  18. OMG Joan!! Have not seen you in AGES! Hope you are well! Still looove your work!!!

  19. Oh ! P.S. "Rubbermoon" is from me, Kristen Powers!

  20. I know it's to much to late for the drawing but sharing my favorite thing about Easter, is dying eggs. I have enjoyed it all my life and still do it each year with or without kids.

  21. I think your eggs are fantastic. If you don't mind, even though it will be past Easter, I would love to trade one of yours for one of mine? My favorite one is the one with the orange center and the yellow dasies, but truly all of them are incredibly well balanced and detailed. I wish we lived closer so you could show me how you make them and I could show you how I make my sugar eggs with the scene in the inside. Today my whole family (three sons, sister and husband) will sit and paint eggs as well. It is a tradition from my childhood when the eight kids would sit outside in our garden in Mexico City and colored them as well. Then my parents would fill them with candy and hide them! I wish I would have kept one from back then. They got closed with a little piece of paper... Thanks for sharing!

  22. Absolutely gorgeous artwork! Gave me some great ideas! My favorite part of Easter is doing Easter egg hunts for my kids :)

  23. Absolutely gorgeous artwork! Gave me some great ideas! My favorite part of Easter is doing Easter egg hunts for my kids :)

  24. do you have a tutorial at all how do I purchase these

  25. Are these eggs for sale?
    Lynn Harrison

  26. Beautiful!!! What type of paint do you use? If you don't mind me asking
